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Vol. 2 (2024)

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Authors in this issue:

Fidel Jesús Moreno Cubela, Niurka María Escalona Zaldivar, Yordanis R. Figueredo Torres, Katherine de la Caridad Garrido Benítez, Arnaldo Marzo Torres, Nabia Isabel Vegas Torres M. Srividya Iyengar, Dr. R. Venkatesh Patakamudi Swathi, Dara Sai Tejaswi, Mohammad Amanulla Khan, Miriyala Saishree, Venu Babu Rachapudi, Dinesh Kumar Anguraj Bolaji David Oladokun, Muhammed Yusuf , Kudu Dogara Aaron Samuel Bracho Mosquera María de las Nieves Veloz Montano Maribel Garcia Rojas, Nelson Giovanni Agudelo Annier Jesús Fajardo Quesada, René Herrero Pacheco Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Verenice Sánchez Castillo Patakamudi Swathi , Dara Sai Tejaswi , Mohammad Amanulla Khan, Miriyala Saishree, Venu Babu Rachapudi, Dinesh Kumar Anguraj Cynthia Michel Olguín-Martínez, Denisse Viridiana Velarde-Osuna, Daniel Omar Nieves-Lizárraga, María Teresa De Jesús De La Paz Rosales, Rogelio Buelna-Sánchez, Mario Pedro Rodríguez Vásquez, Bertha Silvana Vera Barrios, Elizabeth del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas, César Carbache Mora, Aida Maygualida Rodríguez-Álvarez, Amarelys Román-Mireles, José Gregorio Mora-Barajas, Aaron Samuel Bracho Mosquera, Nancy Rosillo Suárez, Rafael Romero-Carazas, Juan Richar Villacorta Guzmán, Rita Liss Ramos Perez, Rene Isaac Bracho Rivera, Milagros Andrea Bracho Rivera Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santiváñez, José Alejandro Carías Díaz, Oscar Angel Vedia Cruz, Sara Milca Robles-Nina, Carlos Sánchez Escalante , Blas Apaza Huanca Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano Esteban Rodríguez Torres, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Verenice Sánchez Castillo Felipe Machuca-Contreras, Carlos Oscar Lepez, Carlos Canova-Barrios Vivian Rodrigues Neves, Lorena Djament Rubén González Vallejo ,

Published: January 1, 2024


2024-03-20 Original
Epilepsy Web, a tool for learning content related to epilepsy in pediatrics

Introduction: epilepsy is a recurrent neurological disease that is part of the curriculum of Medical Sciences students in Pediatrics. It appears as a complex module even for professionals.
Objective: to create a website on epilepsy in Pediatrics as a reference tool that compiles in a didactic way contents according to the syllabus of the Medicine course.
Method: a development study was carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Granma, from February 2023 to July 2023. For the evaluation of the elaborated web page, users’ criteria were taken into account through a survey. The data were processed in a computerized way using descriptive statistics.
Results: the acceptance of the product by users and computer experts was high, rating it 98.9 %, 100 % and 90 % as very adequate.
Conclusions: a web site on epilepsy in Pediatrics was created, which from the didactic requirements constitutes a useful tool for the medical student

By Fidel Jesús Moreno Cubela, Niurka María Escalona Zaldivar, Yordanis R. Figueredo Torres, Katherine de la Caridad Garrido Benítez, Arnaldo Marzo Torres, Nabia Isabel Vegas Torres

2024-05-05 Original
A Brief communication on Virtual Reality (VR) in Hospitality Industry & Global Travel and Tourism

Virtual reality is now being utilised to improve the travel experience by offering extra marketing tools to destinations, attractions, and companies, altering customer experiences, and creating a new tourism paradigm. Our work was inspired by a rapidly changing world in which virtual reality is gradually becoming the norm in which we live, work, and play. These technologies are always improving, posing new problems to tourist and hospitality management. As the VR literature grows, there is an urgent need to synthesise existing information in the area. To address this difficulty, we conducted a systematic evaluation of 54 publications on virtual reality published in high-quality journals. The findings synthesise existing knowledge for research and managerial decisions. Our evaluation also identifies prospective research streams and important management consequences on a nine-step customer experience in anticipation of the increasing use of virtual reality in the field.

By M. Srividya Iyengar, Dr. R. Venkatesh

2024-04-29 Original
A research on a music recommendation system based on facial expressions through deep learning mechanisms

In this study, we propose a new music recommendation system (MRS) that combines facial expression recognition technology and deep learning algorithms to respond to the changing music industry environment and provide personalized music recommendations based on the user's emotional state. Our approach includes a thorough study of facial expression recognition, emotion-based music recommendation systems, and deep learning engines, as well as a detailed presentation of the MRS design, system architecture, and deep learning engines used. Through extensive experiments, we evaluate MRS's ability to accurately recognize facial expressions, filter music based on emotional states, and effectively recommend music to users. We analyze the results of follow-up experiments to identify the strengths and limitations of MRS compared to existing approaches, and conduct a comparative study with the latest music recommendation systems based on deep learning and emotion. This comparison highlights the originality and potential of the proposed MRS system to improve user experience and promote the development of artificial intelligence-based music recommendation systems. This study demonstrates the problem of accurately determining a user's emotional state from facial expressions, which requires the integration of facial expression recognition systems, deep learning, and music recommendation systems. Using advanced deep learning techniques and a comprehensive experimental setup, the proposed MRS provides a solution to this problem by facilitating accurate emotional state identification and personalized music recommendations. Overall, MRS represents a powerful and innovative response to the growing demand for accurate and reliable music recommendations and shows significant potential for future collaboration and development of AI-based music recommendation systems.

By Patakamudi Swathi, Dara Sai Tejaswi, Mohammad Amanulla Khan, Miriyala Saishree, Venu Babu Rachapudi, Dinesh Kumar Anguraj

2024-04-29 Original
Students’ Attitudes and Experiences with ChatGPT as a Reference Service Tool in a Nigerian University: A Comprehensive Analysis of User Perceptions

The study explores the attitudes and experiences of undergraduate students towards the use of ChatGPT for reference services tool. Findings indicated that there is a growing popularity of ChatGPT on a global scale, while acknowledging its increasing adoption among understudied students. Findings reveal that ChatGPT holds potential advantages, such as time-saving capabilities and expansive knowledge, the study reveals its limitations. Issues surrounding reliability of information, inability to comprehend emotions, and currency of information stand out as constraints to the use of ChatGPT. The study recommends that library websites should be designed and incorporated with Chatbots interface.

By Bolaji David Oladokun, Muhammed Yusuf , Kudu Dogara

2024-03-31 Original
Applications of augmented reality in museums, impact on cultural heritage.

Introduction: the museum is a site that collects, exhibits, researches and classifies material objects that represent nature and human cultural heritage. They are one of the sources of knowledge about history and culture. To face the current digital revolution they have used technologies such as augmented reality. The objective was to characterize the application of augmented reality (AR) technology in museums.
Methods: a total of 20 articles in Spanish and English were reviewed, from Science, Scielo and Dialnet; using as keywords: augmented reality, museum, museum exhibits, interactive exhibits, immersive technologies, being more than 50% of the last five years.
Results: the vast majority of museums as institutions try to find various methods to excite and involve their audiences. The technology behind AR improves visitor perception, as historical and cultural relics can be displayed through augmented reality and virtual compositions. The AR also ensures accessories and applications to improve the experience at the center, resulting in greater educational, historical and social impact.
Conclusions: augmented reality technology in museums makes it possible to captivate diverse audiences, adapt to the personal interests of the visitor, remodel the design of exhibitions, the combination of art and technology, improve understanding and ensure positivity of the museum experience. This is guaranteed through mobile applications, accessories and websites.

By Aaron Samuel Bracho Mosquera

2024-05-20 Original
Social lack of communication and technological development

The development of today's society imposes the challenge of incorporating information and communication technologies (ICT), which has favored the productivity and efficiency of business processes, generally leading them to have better levels of profitability. This technological development can consider the media as an instrument of collective socialization, however, the process of digital virtualization is causing a fracture between the real and virtual world, a model of coexistence typical of globalized societies, characterized by extreme individualization and the virtualization of the communicative experience, we do not face the society of lack of communication, considering it as a process that prevents a fluid and healthy two-way interpersonal relationship. The article raises the hypothesis that we live in the century of individualization, of the loss of human relationships, caused by the spell caused by new technologies and that promotes detachment between people and the excessive preference for virtual communication.

By María de las Nieves Veloz Montano

2024-03-14 Original
Creative economy and communication. Characterization in a line of research

This paper addresses the classification of documents on the Creative Economy, its industries and its relationship with communication, consumer and digital content. It explores from the convergence of screens to the development of new interfaces and means of interaction, considering global, national and local perspectives. The text is presented as a guide for researchers interested in projects that merge creative economies and communication, whether in a local, national or international context. It offers a comprehensive approach that seeks to inspire future research in this evolving field, providing a theoretical and practical framework to better understand the intersection between creativity, economics and communication in the digital age

By Maribel Garcia Rojas, Nelson Giovanni Agudelo

2024-04-24 Original
Guidelines for writing software building reports

The linkage of software with various areas of knowledge has increased significantly, highlighting the importance of process automation thanks to the expansion of imaginative capabilities in this area. The concept of software now encompasses applications on different operating systems, including PWAs, websites, command line applications and APIs. This landscape demands standardized methods for the creation and dissemination of applications, although there is currently no detailed guidance for writing reports on software creation. It is crucial to adopt methodological guidelines that allow the reproducibility of software research, clearly differentiating between the creation and the evaluation-validation of these tools. Such differentiation helps to avoid confusion and ensures consistency in reporting, especially when the objective is to develop new tools. Before starting software development, it is essential to consider the objective, scope and existence of similar technologies, assessing the real need to create a new solution. The article proposes a detailed outline for writing software development reports, covering from the introduction, method, results, to the discussion and conclusions. This outline covers aspects such as the theoretical and historical framework, the importance and necessity of the product, classification of the study, details of the creation process, technologies used, and software evaluation. It highlights the importance of performing quality tests throughout the development, ensuring that the final results reflect the most recent and conclusive state of the software. The creation of software is presented as a non-linear process that requires iterations and adaptations based on functionality and quality tests, whose results directly influence the progress of the project. The suggested model is flexible, allowing adjustments according to the specific characteristics of the software under development.

By Annier Jesús Fajardo Quesada, René Herrero Pacheco

2024-02-25 Original
Scholarly Output on Computer Networks and Communication: A Ten-Year Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus (2013-2022)

Introduction: Bibliometrics measure the production and dissemination of scholarly scientific communication. It has been applied to analyze trends and research output in computer networking and communication.
Objective: To examine the global academic publications on computer networks and communications within the Scopus database during the timeframe 2013-2022.
Method: A descriptive observational bibliometric study was undertaken. Through the utilization of SciVal (Scopus), 1,260,446 documents were identified. The following variables were studied: number of documents (Ndoc), year of publication, annual variation rate (AVR) of the scholarly output, number of citations (Ncit), field-weighted citation impact (FWCI), type of document, author, institution, country, source, type of collaboration, subject area, and keyphrases. All data were sourced from SciVal.
Results: A steady increase in global scientific production was observed, with a slight decline in 2020. The five-year period 2016-2020 concentrated the highest Ncit, but the highest Ncit per document, FWCI and top 1% most cited documents corresponded to 2013. The scholarly output studied mainly consisted of conference papers (72.9%). Zhu Han, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the United States and ACM International Conference Proceeding Series were, respectively, the most active author, institution, country, and source. More than 90% of the documents had some form of collaboration. Computer Science and Engineering were the most recurrent subject areas.
Conclusions: The study highlights a consistent global increase in scientific production, with distinct variations in citation metrics across years. The scholarly output was diverse in terms of document type. Collaboration, particularly international, played a pivotal role.

By Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Verenice Sánchez Castillo

2024-04-29 Original
Real-time number plate detection using AI and ML

The abstract presents a research study focusing on real-time license plate verification, a key feature of electronic systems that operate by rapidly identifying and removing identification numbers from vehicle registration in a dynamic global environment. The research leverages the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques, specifically the integration of region-based convolutional neural networks (RCNN) and advanced RCNN algorithms, to create a powerful and readily available system. In terms of methods, this research optimizes algorithm performance and deploys the system in a cloud-based environment to improve accessibility and scalability. Through careful design and optimization, the proposed system has achieved a consistent result in license recognition, as evident from the well-accounted evaluation of performance, including precision, recall, and computational efficiency. The results demonstrate the efficiency and usability of this system in a real installation and promise to revolutionize automatic vehicle identification. Finally, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology into real-time license plate recognition signifies changes in traffic management, assessment safety and smart city plans. Therefore, interdisciplinary collaboration and continuous innovation are crucial to shaping a sustainable and balanced future for intelligent transportation systems.

By Patakamudi Swathi , Dara Sai Tejaswi , Mohammad Amanulla Khan, Miriyala Saishree, Venu Babu Rachapudi, Dinesh Kumar Anguraj

2024-03-19 Reviews
Applications of augmented reality technology in design process

Introduction: design is a complex process that goes beyond creativity and sketch; it includes the integration of opinions, research on current technologies, evaluation of resources, and collaboration of people. Current three-dimensional effect maps do not fully express the designer's intentions; instead, virtual representation with augmented reality (AR) ensures significant improvements in the process. The objective was to characterize the application of AR technology in design process.
Methods: a total of 20 articles in Spanish and English were extracted from Scopus, Science and Springer; using as keywords: augmented reality, industrial design, product design, architectural design, being more than 50% of the last five years.
Results: AR is a visualization tool that combines digitally created data with the real environment. AR environments within the design have three main characteristics, intuitive observation, informative visualization and immersive interaction. They focus on product visualization, usage simulation and ergonomic analysis, hybrid/augmented prototyping, industrial design assembly. The designer can view and interact with the prototype in a way that is realistic and also able to connect the virtual prototype with materialized designs.
Conclusions: augmented reality technology guarantees improvements in production time, use of resources, effectiveness and acceptance of the design; It allows you to view the model on a real scale, modify and adjust the virtual space at will, as well as great adaptability and the possibility of positive feedback

By Cynthia Michel Olguín-Martínez, Denisse Viridiana Velarde-Osuna, Daniel Omar Nieves-Lizárraga, María Teresa De Jesús De La Paz Rosales, Rogelio Buelna-Sánchez, Mario Pedro Rodríguez Vásquez, Bertha Silvana Vera Barrios, Elizabeth del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas, César Carbache Mora, Aida Maygualida Rodríguez-Álvarez, Amarelys Román-Mireles, José Gregorio Mora-Barajas, Aaron Samuel Bracho Mosquera, Nancy Rosillo Suárez, Rafael Romero-Carazas, Juan Richar Villacorta Guzmán, Rita Liss Ramos Perez, Rene Isaac Bracho Rivera, Milagros Andrea Bracho Rivera

2024-02-28 Reviews
Gamification in personal health management: a focus on mobile apps

This review article explores the concept and applications of gamification in personal health management, with a focus on mobile apps. Gamification is the use of game elements and techniques in non-game contexts to motivate and engage users in achieving certain goals or behaviors. Gamification has been applied to various domains of health, such as wellness, diet, exercise, chronic disease management, and mental health. The article discusses the benefits and challenges of gamification for health, as well as the theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence that support its effectiveness.

By Jhossmar Cristians Auza-Santiváñez, José Alejandro Carías Díaz, Oscar Angel Vedia Cruz, Sara Milca Robles-Nina, Carlos Sánchez Escalante , Blas Apaza Huanca

2024-02-27 Reviews
Gamification and motivation: an analysis of its impact on corporate learning

Introduction: gamification, through its game mechanics, allows you to stimulate and motivate both competition and cooperation between people, increasing motivation for learning.

Objective: characterize the impact of gamification on corporate learning.

Method: a review of the bibliography was carried out using articles rescued from databases such as SciELO, Dialnet, Scopus, Researchgate, recovering a total of 16 reference articles from available literature related to the topic in question, included in the time frame. between 2019 and 2024.

Results: the business sector is no stranger to this boom in gamification. Companies have incorporated it in two main areas, marketing, to improve customer acquisition and loyalty, and human resources, using games in the recruitment and training processes of personnel, also incorporated into the selection processes, applied in the way that best suits your needs whether in terms of marketing or aimed at better performance of your employees.

Conclusions: Gamification in the corporate learning process has a significant impact by increasing participation, fostering knowledge and collaboration, stimulating creativity and combining learning with business objectives. Furthermore, in relation to marketing it can enhance consumer loyalty participation.

By Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano

2024-02-27 Reviews
Application of gamification in work environment

Introduction: preliminary findings clearly suggest that games and gamified systems have motivational potential for workplaces. The use of gamified systems in work environments could be a positive and innovative solution to address contemporary problems in organizations such as: high levels of stress, reduced social capital, reduced loyalty and rapid changes in workforce demographics. The objective was to characterize the application of gamification in the work context.
Method: a total of 23 articles in Spanish and English, from Science, Scielo and Dialnet, were reviewed; using as keywords: gamification, game, work environment, being more than 50% of the last five years.
Result: it is considered a technology with a potentially high impact in industries such as retail, media, consumer goods and marketing, manufacturing. Gamification in intra-organizational environments can affect employee attitudes and behaviors, make workplaces more attractive, create opportunities for productive collaboration, improve customer service, build loyalty, and increase productivity.
Conclusions: gamification in the work environment uses game-like experiences to promote organizational and personal performance; It seems to be associated with improvements in motivation, productivity, performance, immediacy and remuneration according to true effort. However, its degree of applicability is still unclear.

By Esteban Rodríguez Torres, Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano, Verenice Sánchez Castillo

2024-03-11 Reviews
Influence of virtual reality and augmented reality on mental health

Introduction: When the term artificial intelligence comes to mind, most people intuitively relate it to science fiction, especially those who are older and who had access to books, comics and impactful films on these topics, especially the film based on the story by Brian Aldiss and directed by Spielberg.
Methods: A review of the literature was carried out in the month of January 2024 through access to the databases Scopus, PubMed, Dialnet, Scielo, and the search engine Google Scholar version 2022, with the strategies: ((health mental) AND (augmented reality)), ((mental health) AND (technological advances)) and ((medicine) AND (mental health) AND (augmented reality) AND (virtual reality) AND (technology)) and their translations into English language, limited the search to the last 5 years.
Results: Virtual reality has its origins in the Second World War, as a precedent for a request from the United States of America to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for it to create a flight simulator that would allow ground training for the navy; which gave birth to virtual reality. In 1960, the first multi-sensor simulator created by Morton Heilin was called Sensorama.
Conclusions: Virtual reality has positively influenced the restoration of mental health; Therefore, this development of technology has been a fundamental factor in many moments of scientific and technical development in the health sciences.

By Felipe Machuca-Contreras, Carlos Oscar Lepez, Carlos Canova-Barrios

2024-06-23 Systematic reviews or meta-analyses
Benefits of the use of telemedicine in patients with obesity: A systematic review

Background: Obesity is a multifactorial disease with high growth rates currently being considered an epidemic of the 21st century. The health area has adapted to the use of technology, using different applications focused on changing habits in patients with the intention of achieving weight reduction in them. Material and methods: A systematic review was carried out in different online engines such as PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar. Results: Were selected 8 randomized clinical trials after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria that sought to demonstrate the benefits of using new techniques such as telemedicine in people with obesity to provide a better quality of life. Conclusion: In obese patients who used telemedicine as part of the treatment, a greater weight reduction was observed compared to patients who did not use it.

By Vivian Rodrigues Neves, Lorena Djament

2024-07-11 Short communications
Notes on gamification and education

The classroom is a dynamic space where active and exploratory methodologies, such as gamification, promote cooperation, critical thinking, motivation, and meaningful learning. Gamification, which uses game elements adapted to teaching, has shown advantages such as increased creativity, autonomy, and digital skills. Its application has been notable in Primary and Secondary Education, as well as in various university disciplines. However, debates persist about its potential and the tendency to prioritize numerical assessment over learning, generating skepticism in certain areas of higher education

By Rubén González Vallejo

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